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Topological optimization of lattice material for shell structure of RF ion thruster(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Topological optimization of lattice material for shell structure of RF ion thruster
YANG Libo SHI Bo LU Haifeng LI Jiyuan TAN Chang
(Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China)
RF ion thruster shell light weight topology optimization of lattice materials
Aiming at the light weight requirement of the shell structure of RF ion thruster, the idea and method of topology optimization design of lattice material were studied. Firstly, the original structure was analyzed by statics simulation and dynamics simulation to obtain the improved foundation of the structure. Secondly, the force transfer path of the structure was obtained by using the topology optimization method of the structure. Thirdly, the optimum design domain of lattice material was obtained by combining the load transfer path and the installation and use requirements of shell structure. Finally, the optimal scheme of lattice topology optimization was obtained through the optimal design of lattice materials. Compared with the original structure, the mass of the optimized scheme was reduced by 31.5%. In terms of dynamics, the modals of the structure was improved, which is better to avoid the vibration frequency range of the thruster when working. Under load, the maximum stress of the structure was reduced by 59%-67%. The stress distribution of the structure is more uniform, the deformation of the structure is reduced correspondingly, and the stiffness of the structure is improved. The light weight and performance improvement of the optimized structure verify the effectiveness of the design method.


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