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Numerical simulation of liquid jet atomization on velocity antinode of standing wave pressure field(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical simulation of liquid jet atomization on velocity antinode of standing wave pressure field
LI Jianan SUI Lutao ZHOU Lixin YANG Jianwen
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion, Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
liquid jet atomization standing wave pressure field velocity antinode adaptive mesh refinement multi-scale simulation
To investigate the characteristics of liquid jet atomization in the standing wave pressure field, a numerical scheme of liquid jet atomization was established based on octree adaptive mesh refinement and multiscale algorithm. A first-order transverse standing wave pressure field was established by exerting perturbations at the boundary of the computational zone. On this basis of the above methods, the multi-physical coupling simulation of pressure oscillation and atomization was carried out. The response characteristics of liquid jet atomization on velocity antinode position at the standing wave pressure field was studied. The response mechanism of liquid jet atomization was interpreted based on gas dynamics theory. The results reveal that the atomization process can be accurately solved by the established numerical scheme based on adaptive mesh refinement and multiscale algorithm, and it is a powerful tool to investigate the atomization process. The atomization characteristics coupled with pressure oscillations can be studied based on the coupled simulation algorithm between pressure oscillations and atomization. It will play an important role to further investigate the unsteady atomization process and the mechanism of thermo-acoustic positive feedback. When the jet is in the position of the velocity antinode, the liquid column jet is flattened to liquid sheet, acompanied by the periotic swing of liquid jet with the gas flow. The breakup length is shortened, and the breakup degree is enhanced.


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