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Numerical simulation on cryogenic cavitating flow characteristics of regulating valve(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical simulation on cryogenic cavitating flow characteristics of regulating valve
LIANG Wendong ZHAO Mengyun LIU Bo GUO Wenjun
Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China
regulating valve liquid oxygen cavitation model thermodynamic effect
Distributions of flow field and the characteristics of liquid oxygen cavitating flow inside the regulating valve of a liquid rocket engine are investigated by the numerical simulation method. The accuracy of the established model is verified by comparing the simulation results with the experimental data. Then, the evolution laws of pressure, temperature, vortex and cavity structures under different operating conditions are analyzed. The results indicate that the pressure undergoes five stages including slow decrease, sharp decrease, sharp increase, slow decrease and subsequent increase, when liquid oxygen flows through the ball valve. Notably, a significant Q structure is observed inside the flow channel. In addition, the cavitation number of room-temperature water is greater than that of liquid oxygen under the same pressure difference. The cavity structure initially grows at the valve inlet and gradually move towards the interior of the flow channel as the cavitation number decreases. For room temperature water, the critical cavitation number is around 1.38. Furthermore, the development of cavity structure is affected by both the cavitation number and thermodynamic effects. When the temperature of liquid oxygen rises from 95 K to 100 K, the cavitation number decreases and the nominal temperature drop increases. In this case, the thermodynamic effect controls the evolution of the cavitating flows and suppresses the development of cavity.


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