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Modal analysis of the impeller based on 3D-SLDV and high speed 3D-DIC technology(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Modal analysis of the impeller based on 3D-SLDV and high speed 3D-DIC technology
YAN Song12 ZHANG Zhiwei12
1.National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion, Xi'an 710100, China; 2.Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
liquid rocket engines 3D-SLDV high-speed 3D-DIC impeller operational deflection shape
The full-field mode shape is important for studying the structural dynamic characteristics of the engine structure. The test principles of two full-field vibration test methods based on 3D-SLDV and high-speed 3D-DIC are introduced. Taking the impeller of liquid rocket engines as an example, the natural frequency and mode shape of the impeller within 5 kHz are obtained by using two technologies respectively, and the advantages and disadvantages of the two test methods are compared and analyzed. Compared with 3D-DIC, the displacement noise floor of 3D-SLDV technology is lower, which is more beneficial to the identification of high-frequency mode shapes, but this method belongs to the point-by-point scanning test, and the test time is long. 3D-DIC technology collects the full-field data simultaneously, its acquisition time is short, and it has a more refined mode shape. However, the amount of image data is large, and it takes a long time to download and analyze the data. At the same time, this displacement-based measurement method cannot identify the displacement below the noise floor.


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