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Analysis of the influence of anti-peak circuit on the performance of solenoid valves(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis of the influence of anti-peak circuit on the performance of solenoid valves
FAN Yu REN Zhibin CHEN Tao ZHANG Siyuan
LandSpace Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100176, China
anti-peak circuit solenoid valves Maxwell software induced voltage response time
The solenoid valves are widely used in spacecraft. The anti-peak circuit is the important component of control system within solenoid valves and has significant influences on performance of solenoid valves. In order to obtain the influence of anti-peak circuit on the performance of solenoid valves, a kind of axial direct acting solenoid valve and anti-peak circuit were studied based on simulation with Maxwell software. The reliability of simulation modeling was verified by comparison of experiment data and simulation results on static and transient conditions. Meanwhile, by simulating the solenoid valves at different anti-peak resistances with or without anti-peak circuit, the performance of solenoid valves was obtained. The release response time decreases with the increase of anti-peak resistance, while the induced voltage increases with the increase of anti-peak resistance. At the same time, it was found that there is a turning point of anti-peak resistance on the performance of the solenoid valve. A better plan can be obtained on this turning point. Furthermore, an optimized plan of solenoid valves was proposed from the viewpoint of anti-peak circuit, which provides reference for the design of solenoid valves system.


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