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Static structural analysis of pipeline structures of hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine considering structural integral deformation(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Static structural analysis of pipeline structures of hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine considering structural integral deformation
LIU Kaicheng12 LIU Zhaoyu12 WANG Xinjun12 ZHENG Mengwei12 LI Jing3
1.Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China; 2.Laboratory of Cryogenic Liquid Propulsion Technology, Beijing 100076, China; 3.Beijing Institute of Structure and Environment Engineering, Beijing 100076, China
hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine pipeline structures static structural analysis integral deformation submodel
In order to take the structural integral deformation into consideration during the static structural analysis for pipeline structures of the liquid rocket engine, the finite element model of the large-thrust staged combustion cycle hydrogen/oxygen engine was established using solid, shell and beam elements. Meanwhile, the static structural analysis was performed under the joint action of the thermal, pressure and gravity loads. The simulation results were compared with the measured data from the ground firing test. Based on this, the integral deformation of the engine was calculated under different types of loads and the influence of thermal load was analyzed. For typical pipeline structures, the stress distribution was calculated under different types of loads with the submodel method and the influence of the integral deformation on stress level was further investigated. The results show the static structural analysis of the established finite element model could basically reflect the stress state of the engine under the ground firing test state. For hydrogen/oxygen rocket engine, the thermal load has the greatest influence on the integral deformation of the engine, which need to be considered during strength analysis for pipeline structures of the engine.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01