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Development status and prospect of nuclear thermal rocket engine technology(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Development status and prospect of nuclear thermal rocket engine technology
PENG Leqin YANG Bao'e MA Yuan GAO Yushan YANG Anlong XU Tiangang WU Huibo
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion,Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
solid core nuclear thermal rocket engine reactor ground test system simulation
In order to address the challenges of solar energy utilization and the limitations of chemical energy capacity in space missions, it is crucial to develop space nuclear power. The nuclear thermal rocket engine system offers numerous advantages, including high energy conversion efficiency, a wide range of thrust regulation, large specific impulse, long residence time, quick start-up, and the ability for multiple start-stop cycles. This system has emerged as a prominent research focus both domestically and internationally in recent years. The development of nuclear thermal rocket engine technology in the United States and Russia was reviewed. It summarized the key technologies involved in reactor, engine, propellant management, ground test, system simulation, and nuclear safety. Additionally, it outlined the insights gained from the development of nuclear thermal rocket engine in the United States and Russia, and provided suggestions for future planning, demonstration, and technical research and development of nuclear thermal rocket engine.


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