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Analysis on structural characteristics of nuclear thermal rocket reactor(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis on structural characteristics of nuclear thermal rocket reactor
ZHAO Runzhe LYU Zheng XIE Jiachun HUO Honglei
Research Institute of Reactor Engineering Technology, China Institute of Atomic Energy,Beijing 102413, China
nuclear rocket reactor structure
TL99; V439.5
Nuclear thermal rockets have the advantages of large thrust and high specific impulse, offering significant advantages over conventional propulsion methods in long-distance and high-payload space missions. Compared with conventional ground-based reactors, nuclear thermal rocket reactors have strict requirements for size and weight, as well as high operating temperatures, significant thermal stress, and the need to withstand the harsh mechanical environment during launch. Therefore, a reasonable and stable structural design is necessary. Based on this requirement, a survey and summary of the structural design of the nuclear thermal rocket reactor is conducted in this acticle, mainly sorting out the structural design of NERVA-I, NERVA-II and CERMET fuel reactors in the United States. And then the foreign design experience is summarized and it provides reference for the iteration and implementation of nuclear thermal rocket program.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01