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Research progress and prospect of space heat pipe cooled reactor power(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Research progress and prospect of space heat pipe cooled reactor power
LIU Xiao WANG Ning ZHANG Kaiyuan QI Min LI ZhongchunZHANG Zhuohua XIE Ximing CHAI Xiaoming
National Key Laboratory of Nuclear Reactor Technology,Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610200, China
space power nuclear power heat pipe cooled reactor high-temperature heat pipe
The development of deep space exploration technology has been restricted by reliable engine power. The traditional solar power source and chemical power source have a small scope of application, and the environmental adaptability is not strong, while the micro nuclear reactor power source has high energy density. It does not depend on sunlight and has strong survivability, which can be applied to multi-scene tasks. In the design scheme of the power supply of the miniature nuclear reactor, the heat pipe reactor has become one of the most promising options for the power supply of space nuclear reactors due to its modular design idea, simplified reactor structure, good inherent safety characteristics and transient response characteristics. This paper summarizes the current development status of space heat pipe reactors through literature research. Starting from the development history, it sorts out the design and theoretical research of heat pipe reactors, summarizes the development directions and key technologies of heat pipe reactors.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01