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Conceptual design of a nuclear-powered propulsion system utilizing a multi-stage compression Brayton cycle(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Conceptual design of a nuclear-powered propulsion system utilizing a multi-stage compression Brayton cycle
LI Keyi1 YOU Ersheng2 ZHOU Ziyang1 ZHANG Haochun1
1. School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; 2. China Nuclear Power Research and Design Institute, Chengdu 610213, China
multi-stage compression Brayton cycle binary gas mixture sensitivity analysis Sobol-Sequence
Regarding the application and necessity of space nuclear power in deep space exploration, the system efficiency can be enhanced and the performance requirements for the compressor can be reduced by increasing the number of compressor stages on the basis of a simple regenerative Brayton cycle, thereby its reliability is improved. By establishing a helium-xenon property model and a thermodynamic cycle model, and conducting a sensitivity analysis based on the Sobol method, the impact of parameters such as the temperature at key cycle nodes, turbomachinery efficiency, and compressor pressure ratio on cycle thermal efficiency and specific mass was studied. In addition, a multi-objective optimization using a multi-objective particle swarm algorithm was performed to obtain the Pareto set of key performance parameters for the system. The results indicate that under identical parameter conditions, the thermal efficiency of the multi-stage compression Brayton cycle is 22.33%, which is superior to the 17.75% thermal efficiency of the single-stage compressor Brayton cycle. Increasing the number of compressor stages effectively improves the net efficiency of the system, the load on the compressor is reduced, and a theoretical basis is provided for the design of efficient space nuclear power systems.


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