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Investigation of boundary layer/shock wave train interference in a scramjet isolator(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Investigation of boundary layer/shock wave train interference in a scramjet isolator
Feng Jinhu1 Gao Feng2 He Zhilin2
1. Army 93605; 2. The Missile Institute of Air Force Engineering University, Shaanxi 713800, China
The occurance and the development of the isolator shock wave train and the interference phenomenon of shock wave/boundary layer are very complicated. The numerical method was used to simulate the characteristics of the two-dimensional-axis-symmetry isolator internal flow fields under different incoming airflow boundary layer thickness, the interference mechanism of shock wave/boundary layer and the influence of the boundary layer on the isolator shock wave train and the performance of the isolator. The computational results show that the periodical expansion and the compression results in the formation of the shock wave train and the existence of the negative pressure gradients have influence upon the boundary layer separation. The location and the structure of the shock wave train are effected by the incoming airflow boundary layer thickness. With the increase of the boundary layer thickness, the total pressure recovery coefficient and average Mach number at outlet decrease. This variation is more significant with the backpressure increasing.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01