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Influence of wall temperature of feed line on pasty propellant burning rate(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Influence of wall temperature of feed line on pasty propellant burning rate
ZHANG Jia-xian ZHU Shang-long WANG Yan-na
Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074, China
pasty propellant burning rate heat transfer feed line
As a new kind of propellant, pasty propellant has a bright prospect in application. The burning rate of pasty propellant has a direct influence on interior ballistics of engines, so it is very important to study the influence of wall temperature of feed line on the pasty propellant burning rate. The power-law constitutive equation and Arrhenius equation are adopted to character the viscosity of pasty propellant and the influence of temperature on the viscosity respectively. The central finite difference scheme is used to disperse the control equations. After validating the numerical method, the numerical simulation on the characteristic of the heat transfer between the pasty propellant and feed line were carried out at constant wall temperature. According to the relationship between initial temperature and burning rate of a solid propellant, the burning rate characteristics of the pasty propellant in a hot feed line were analyzed based on the numerical simulations. The result shows that the heated layer thickness close to the wall decreases with the augment of inlet velocity and increases with the augment of feed line diameter. The average burning rate of the pasty propellant in feed line is higher than that at inlet temperature. Meanwhile, as the wall is at high temperature, the propellant temperature close to the wall is higher than that of its break out point, and it is necessary to take into account the anti-backfire methods.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01