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Experimental study on combustion characteristics of UDMH droplet and influence factors on combustion(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Experimental study on combustion characteristics of UDMH droplet and influence factors on combustion
YIN Ting1 NIE Wan-sheng2 HE Hao-bo2
1. Department of Postgraduate, Equipment Academy, Beijing 101416, China; 2. Department of Aerospace Equipment, Equipment Academy, Beijing 101416, China
UDMH droplet combustion process combustion experiment investigation of combustion characteristic
An integrated experiment system used for single droplet combustion of hypergolic propellant was established. The experiments of UDMH droplet burning in dinitrogen tetroxide were carried out in different temperature and pressure conditions. The combustion characteristics of UDMH single droplet are analyzed. The effects of chamber temperature, pressure, initial diameter of droplet and velocity on combustion process are investigated carefully. The results show that the combustion process of droplets has experienced three periods, initial combustion period, intense combustion period and extinct combustion period. In the burning process, the combustion flame displays double flame front structure obviously, the inner is the decomposed flame front and the outer is the diffused flame front with wake flame. Increasing the chamber temperature or pressure, or enhancing the velocity of droplet, can improve the combustion rate of hypergolic propellant, and decrease the lifetime of droplet.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01