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The analyses of transient flow-field characteristics in the nozzle of SRM(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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The analyses of transient flow-field characteristics in the nozzle of SRM
XU Xuewen MU Junlin REN Jiancun SHAN Xin
Naval Aeronautical Engineering Institute, Yantai 264001, China
solid rocket motor nizzle flow-field characteristics
The 3-D integrated flow-field simulation model of the motor combustion chamber and nozzle was established in order to accurately calculate the flow-field characteristics in the nozzle of the solid rocket motor, the effect of combustion chamber flow field on nozzle flow field being taken into account. The existance and changing trend of a shock wave in the nozzle were calculated during ignition start-up of SRM using the finite volume method, which was consistent with the result of 1-D isentropic funtion theory. As shown in the results, the fuel gas behaving as subsonic flow in the nozzle at the beginning of grain ignition, the fuel gas behaved as choked flow in the nozzle because a shock wave existed in the divergent nozzle with the increase of gas pressure in the chamber, and the fuel gas behaved as supersonic smooth flow in the divergent nozzle when the shock wave were moved outside the nozzle with ignition time increasing.


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