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Analysis on leakage mechanism of unloading valve(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis on leakage mechanism of unloading valve
ZHANG LianwanXUE LipengMA FeiLI WenbinYU WujiangZHANG Zhiguang
Beijing Institute of Astronautical System Engineering,Beijing 100076,China
unloading valve morphology analysis FEA leakage mechanism
When inflating gas to a gas vessel of rocket engine at a launching site,a leakage phenomenon occurred after the unloading valve was closed.Abnormal wear of the spool's guiding part and an uneven indentation on non-metallic sealing surface were found by integrating the macro observation and micro morphology after breaking the valve.The finite element method is used to establish the model of spool and valve seat.It has verified that the calculated indentation depth is close to the measured depth.The analysis results indicate that there exists some tiny original defects in the spool's guiding part of unloading valve,and adhesive wear appears due to the repeated motion between the spool's guiding part and the guiding hole,which caused the return deflection of the spool in the guide hole and uneven indentation in non-metallic sealing surface,eventually led to leakage of unloading valve during the test.


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Last Update: 2017-11-10