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Effect of volute throat area on pump performance(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of volute throat area on pump performance
YU Qing WANG Xiaofeng ZHANG Dan LI Huimin
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
liquid rocket engine pump volute throat area engine thrust numerical simulation
During the development of a certain liquid rocket engine, the adaptability improvement of the pump structure needs to be realized to promote the thrust of the engine. Based on the area ratio principle, the match of the volute throat and impeller in the turbopump-fed liquid rocket engine is designed and studied in this paper. The influence of the variation of volute throat area on pump performance is studied by using the method of combining numerical simulation with experimental research. The pump models with two different area ratios were analyzed. The results indicate that, in the range of the high efficiency, both the pump lift and efficiency are increased with the increase of area ratio of the volute throat to the impeller outlet. The experimental results are tallied with the calculation results. Thus, the match of the volute throat and the impeller can be improved as the volute throat area is widened, which can satisfy the requirement of the thrust enhancement of the engine. Furthermore, the structure is easy to alter, even the final products can be sent back for modification. It is sure that its cost will be reduced greatly.


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