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Research on rotordynamic characteristics of high speed permanent magnet motor(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Research on rotordynamic characteristics of high speed permanent magnet motor
HUANG Jinping1 ZHANG Zhengyue2 HUANG Daoqiong1 YAN Caisong3 XUE Jie1
(1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engines Laboratory, Xi'an 710100, China;2.Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institate, Beijing 100076, China;3.CRRC Zhuzhou Electric Co.Ltd, Zhuzhou 412000, China)
permanent magnet motor rotor silicon steel sheet lamination structure nutted rod-impeller structure critical speed
According to the special structure of silicon steel sheet lamination(SSSL)and nutted rod-impeller(NRI)in the motor rotor, the finite element method was used to simulate the assembly process of SSSL.The regularity that the lateral bending stiffness varying with the discrete number of the whole silicon steel sheet structure was explored, and the lateral bending stiffness of SSSL was achieved by curve fitting and extrapolating.The impeller was also divided according to their interface size.Based on the principle of mass and stiffness equivalent, the simplified models of SSSL structure and NRI structure were achieved, and the simplified analysis model was verified through the free modal test of rotor components and whole structure.Finally, the simulation results of the first two critical speeds were verified by the rotor running test, and the deviation between the experimental and the simulation results was less than 3.1%.


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Last Update: 2019-06-30