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Internal ballistics calculation under mixing combustion of two-stage grain with embedded wire(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Internal ballistics calculation under mixing combustion of two-stage grain with embedded wire
SUN Di MA Liang GAN Xiaosong GUO Yunqiang
(Xi'an Institute of Aerospace Propulsion Technology, Xi'an 710025, China)
solid rocket motor embedded wire single-chamber dual-thrust mixing combustion internal ballistics
In order to predict the internal ballistics performance of a single-chamber dual-thrust motor under the mixing combustion condition of end-burning grain with embedded wire and rear wing grain, the changes of complex combustion surface during the combustion process of the high pressure stage and the low pressure stage were first analyzed.The relationship between the combustion surface and the reference combustion surface corresponding to different speed increasing ratio was obtained.Then, considering the effect of pressure transfer on the speed increasing ratio, the relationship between them in the transition stage was obtained.Thereby, its stepless variable speed during the entire combustion process was realized, and the law of burning surface regression was obtained.Accordingly, the internal ballistic performance of this type of motor was calculated.The results show that the calculated values agree well with the experimental curves, and the calculation error is less than 5%, which proves the rationality of the calculation model and the reliability of the program.The method can be used for the internal ballistic calculation and analysis of this type of motor.


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Last Update: 2019-06-30