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Numerical analysis on starting characteristics of attitude control engine based on orthogonal test design method(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical analysis on starting characteristics of attitude control engine based on orthogonal test design method
YANG Lintao SHEN Chibing
(Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, College of Aerospace Science,National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
attitude control engine orthogonal test design method starting process response characteristics AMESim simulation
Based on AMESim modular simulation software, a simulation model for the attitude control engine was established.The effect of propellant viscosity, volume of liquid manifold, combustion time delay, injection pressure drop and valve interval time on the starting response characteristics of attitude control engine were analyzed by the orthogonal test design method.The results show that the main influence factors of the response characteristics are combustion time delay, injection pressure drop and valve interval time, and the sensitivity of the valve interval time is the highest.The sensitivity of chamber pressure overshoot to the propellant viscosity is the lowest, and the response time is the least sensitive to the injection pressure drop.The larger combustion time delay, the smaller injection pressure drop and the larger valve interval, the worse engine response performance.Optimizing the injector atomization performance to decrease the combustion time delay, and appropriately increasing the injection pressure drop are helpful to decrease the response time of the attitude control engine.The valve actuation time is as consistent as possible to reduce the response time of starting process.


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Last Update: 2019-10-25