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Constitutive relationship of low cost Ti-Al-V-Fe alloy based on strain coupling(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Constitutive relationship of low cost Ti-Al-V-Fe alloy based on strain coupling
WU Xiaoming12 WANG Yu1 GAO Bin1 SU Yanqing2
(1.Xi’an Space Engine Company Limited, Xi’an 710100, China; 2.Harbin Institute of Technology,Haerbin 150001,China)
low-cost titanium alloy hot deformation behavior strain coupling constitutive equation thermal activation energy
In order to determine the optimal hot deformation process window of the new low-cost Ti-Al-V-Fe alloy, the hot deformation behavior was investigated with the deformation temperature of 875~1 100 ℃, strain rate of 0.001~1 s-1 and deformation of 70%.The results indicate that the alloy is a typical negative temperature and positive strain sensitive material, the flow stress is inversely proportional to the deformation temperature and positively proportional to the strain rate.Based on the experimental data of thermal simulation, the Arrhennius functional relation between material constant and strain was solved by a multiple linear regression method.The Arrhennius constitutive equations of α+β two-phase region and β single-phase region were put forward based on the strain coupling.The coupling correlation coefficient reaches 0.98, which indicates that the established model could accurately predict the flow stress when given any strain.The softening mechanism of the alloy in different phase zones is identified according to the thermal activation energy.The single-phase region is dynamic recovery, and the two-phase region is dynamic recrystallization.


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Last Update: 2020-04-25