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A mechanism based approach to simulate the ductile fracture of pre-notched metal diaphragm(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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A mechanism based approach to simulate the ductile fracture of pre-notched metal diaphragm
JIANG WeiXU HongweiHUO Shihui
(Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engines Laboratory, Xian 710100,China)
pre-notched metal diaphragm ductile fracture GTN model combined tensile and shear mode busting pressure
A new modification to Gurson-Tvergaard-Needleman(GTN)model was proposed for the simulation of ductile fracture behaviors under combined tensile and shear loading mode in pre-notched metal diaphragm.Two distinctive damage parameters,respectively related to tensile and shear damage mechanisms were introduced into yield function as internal variables of material degradation process.The evolution laws of the two damage parameters were given in rate-form.The damage constitutive model was implemented into the commercial codes ABAQUS via user defined material subroutines and applied to simulate the ductile fracture of the pre-cracked metal diaphragm to acquire the exact bursting pressure.The process of crack initiation,propagation and final fracture in the diaphragm was also reasonably predicted by the element removal procedure of ABAQUS/Explicit.The comparison with the experimental results shows that the proposed model can accurately simulate the fracture pressure and fracyure process of the notched diaphragm,and can be windely used to simulate the fracture process of ductile metals under tension shear mixed load mode.


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