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Key manufacturing technology for large thrust LH2/LOX cycle engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Key manufacturing technology for large thrust LH2/LOX cycle engine
SUN Jiguo1HE Xueqing2YANG Daijun2ZHENG Mengwei1XU Kunhe2
(1.Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China 2.Capital Aerospace Machinery Corporation Limited, Beijing 100076, China)
a new generation of launch vehicle LH2/LOX engine key manufacturing technology precision assembly engineering prototype
In order to meet the needs of large thrust and large size 220 tf staged combustion cycle LH2/LOX engine, the research on process and technology of LH2/LOX engine was carried out for thrust chamber, precombustion chamber, turbopump, valve, pipeline and other systems of LH2/LOX engine.The key components of 220 tf staged combustion cycle LH2/LOX engine were manufactured by using spinning forming, diffusion brazing, inertia friction welding, additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy and precision casting and other processes.The research on high precision assembly technology was carried out for the large and heavy components of the 220 tf thrust LH2/LOX staged combustion cycle engine, the precision assembly of the large and heavy components was realized by using automatic assembly, digital assembly, automatic measurement, positioning and other process.Through the process and technology research, the first engineering prototype of 220 tf high-pressure staged combustion cycle LH2/LOX engine was successfully developed, which improved the overall manufacturing level of LH2/LOX engine and met the development requirements of a new generation of launch vehicle.


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