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Numerical analysis on effects of case grooving on cavitation performance of inducer(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Numerical analysis on effects of case grooving on cavitation performance of inducer
LI Yandong ZHAO Qiang HU Haifeng XIANG Le
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Liquid Propulsion,Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
case grooving cavitation number head coefficient cavitation performance
In order to improve the cavitation performance of the inducer, a case grooving inducer was established, cavitation performance and flow characteristics of the reference structure inducer and the case grooving inducer were compared with numerical computation method. The detailed mechanism of improving cavitation performance in case grooving manner was revealed by analyzing pressure distribution on the suction surface of the blade, the distribution of the cavitation area inside the inducer, and head coefficient change with different cavitation number. The results show that case grooving changes direction of the tip leakage flow, which makes a large-scale vortex near the tip, reduces pressure gradient between the pressure surface and the suction surface, and improves pressure distribution inside the inducer. The inception cavitation number of the case grooving inducer is smaller than that of the reference structure inducer, which has an inhibiting effect on cavitation. As the cavitation number decreases from 0.370 to 0.086, the cavitation area continues to expand, and head coefficient almost remains constant. At the same cavitation number, head coefficient of the case grooving inducer is slightly lower than the reference structure, but the cavitation area is significantly smaller, which has a certain inhibitory effect on the expansion of cavitation. As the cavitation number further decreases, when the cavitation number reaches a certain value, the head coefficient first rises slightly and then drops sharply until cavitation crisis occurs. The critical cavitation number of case grooving inducer is smaller. From cavitation inception to cavitation crisis, cavitation performance of the case grooving inducer improves compared with that of the reference structure inducer.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01