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Scheme design and verification of a steam supply system for short-time and large flow rate steam ejection(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Scheme design and verification of a steam supply system for short-time and large flow rate steam ejection
XIA Shuang1 ZHU Haowei2 CHAO Lide1 XU Yong1 HE Yong3 LIANG Guozhu1
1.School of Astronautics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing 102206, China; 2.Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074, China; 3.Guizhou Aerospace Zhaoyang Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Zunyi 563000, C
steam ejection boiler accumulator steam supply system high altitude simulation test
Aiming at the steam demand of the short-time and large flow rate steam ejection system, a boiler-accumulator steam supply system scheme is adopted, and the scheme design and verification test of the system are carried out. Based on the system composition and working principle, combined with the steam consumption requirements for steam ejection, the system performance, structure, measurement and control scheme are designed. The system performance and structural scheme design include thermodynamic calculation, structural selection and steam pipeline design. The parameters such as charging and discharging pressure, accumulator volume and heat storage capacity are obtained through the thermodynamic calculation. The selection of boiler and accumulator structure is based on theoretical calculation and standard series. The layout, size and pressure drop of steam pipelines are designed and calculated based on the principle of steam charging and discharging and on-site conditions. The system measurement and control scheme design include functional analysis and scheme selection, measurement point layout, and valve selection. A boiler-accumulator steam supply system used in a steam ejection type high altitude simulation test system of a liquid rocket engine is taken as the case study for scheme design(with a working time of no more than 300 s, maximum steam consumption of 94 t/h, and ejection steam pressure of 0.8 MPa), and the system performance is verified through tests. The research results can provide reference for the scheme design of boiler-accumulator steam supply systems under similar working conditions.


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