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Effect of indentation length of liquid-liquid coaxial swirling injector on spray process(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Effect of indentation length of liquid-liquid coaxial swirling injector on spray process
WANG Zhuang1 DANG Xiaorui2 HU Haifeng1 BIAN Xianggang1
1.Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory,Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China; 2.Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China
indentation length liquid-liquid coaxial swirling injector spray angle flow field struture numerical simulation
In order to investigate the effect of indentation length of liquid-liquid coaxial swirling inject on spray process, the detailed characteristics of the internal flow was obtained through numerical simulation, using N2O4 as the working fluid for the central nozzle and UDMH as the working fluid for the outer nozzle. Besides, the effect of the N on the spray angle was obtained. The result shows that when N<1, the spray angle increase at first and then decrease. When N>1, the spray angle increases slightly. In addition, when N=0, a low-pressure area will be formed between UDMH and N2O4 liquid film, which will make the two liquid films adsorb each other, resulting in a decrease in UDMH liquid film angle and an increase in N2O4 liquid film. And the final spray angle is an intermediate value between the outer nozzle and the central nozzle spray angle. When N>0.85, UDMH and N2O4 will mix significantly in the indentation chamber, and the deformation of the liquid film intensifies. When N>1.27, the chamber will rectify the mixed fluid, and thus the breaking distance increases.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01