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Experimental investigation on calorific value of HTPB propellant based on high temperature accelerated aging test(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Experimental investigation on calorific value of HTPB propellant based on high temperature accelerated aging test
CHANG Jian LAI Jianwei WANG Bin SONG Mengkun
Ordnance Engineering College, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan 430034, China
propellant heat aging calorific value mass loss ratio
HTPB propellant as the fuel of solid motor, has excellent mechanical and ballistic properties which is the main propellant used in countries around the world for a long time. The study of HTPB propellant accelerated aging performance at high temperature is of great significance to master the storage conditions of HTPB propellant, analyze the aging mechanism and predict the storage period. The effects of each component on the combustion performance for the composite solid propellant during the aging process are analyzed, namely the effects on the combustion calorific value of the propellant. By testing the calorific value of HTPB propellant with different aging degrees, the variation law of calorific value for HTPB propellant after aging is obtained, and the relationship between the calorific value of HTPB propellant and aging temperature and time is fitted.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01