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Phased array ultrasonic inspection technology of weld seam for bottom-locking structure(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Phased array ultrasonic inspection technology of weld seam for bottom-locking structure
ZHAO Can YAN Mingwei WANG Jianchao LIU Weichao ZHANG Rui WANG Yonghong
Xi'an Space Engine Company Limited, Xi'an 710100, China
phased array ultrasonic bottom-locking weld signal detection
Phased array ultrasonic inspection technology was carried out for the X-ray undetectable welds of bottom-locking structures. Through the simulation analysis of phased array ultrasonic sound lines and sound fields, a reasonable scanning method was determined. The signal-to-noise ratio and defect response between 4.0 MHz and 7.5 MHz probes were compared. The results show that the detection resolution and defect size measurement accuracy of high-frequency probe are relatively high. For coarse-grained materials, low-frequency probe has a higher defect detection rate than high-frequency probe. By comparing the resutls of ultrasonic, radiographic and section metallographic, the influence of the bottom-locking structure on the echo signal was investigated and the method of identifying incomplete penetration signals was obtained. The process verification experiment was carried out by using welding simulation samples. The results show that the phased array ultrasonic technology can effectively detect all the defects except the non-fusion of the opp osite side groove, and the quantitative results are basically consistent with the X-ray detection. The detection process obtained in this study has been used to complete the detection and verification of multiple products, which provides an effective reference for continuous optimization of welding methods and improvement the joint groove forms.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01