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The fast calculation method for thrust line of rocket-powered aircraft(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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The fast calculation method for thrust line of rocket-powered aircraft
(Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute, Chengdu 610073, China)
thrust line measurement aircraft rocket engine fast calculation method deviation analyse engineering method
At present, it takes a long time to get measurement result for the traditional digital measurement of thrust line, which becomes the main bottleneck that restrict the fast re-launch of the reusable rocket powered aircraft. In this paper, the deviation of thrust line during the installation of rocket engine was divided into the structural deviation and thrust line deviation of engine itself. The structural deviation can be obtained through the modern optical measurement technology during the assembling stage. Then the structural deviation and the data of engine thrust line were combined, the engineering calculation method for the engine’s installed thrust line data can be quickly obtained before re-launch. The convenience and effectiveness of this method can be confirmed by running a comparative test experiment with the laser radar measurement. The fast calculation method only costs 10 minutes and has a maximum error of 0.1°, which can be applied on quickly measuring the thrust line of liquid or solid rocket-powered aircraft


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Last Update: 2020-06-25