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Parameters and performance analysis of 1 mN RF ion thruster(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Parameters and performance analysis of 1 mN RF ion thruster
YANG Zhenyu ZHAO Yang LI Guangxi WEI JianguoDENG Yongfeng
(Shanxi Key Laboratory of Plasma Physics and Applied Technology, Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi’an 710100, China)
RF ion thruster inductively coupled plasma numerical calculation model performance analysis electric propulsion
RF ion thruster(RIT)is a kind of electric propulsion, and the thrust performance is the core issuse of propulsion system design. Numerical calculation method was used to obtain the thrust characteristic with design parameters. The design of a 1 mN RIT was carried out, thrust performance of different discharge chambers, mass flowrates, rf power and screen voltage were analyzed and the working condition was optimized. The results show that the model can correctly describe the performance variation law of RIT, and thrust of the RIT with a discharge chamber of 25 mm inner diameter can reach 1 mN. Under the optimal working condition, thrust 1.176 mN, specific impulse 2 503 s and efficiency 53.13% can be achieved, which meets the design requirements. The thruster prototype developed according to the model was ignited successfully, which fully verified the effectiveness of the numerical model, the numerical model can be used to guide further research


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Last Update: 2020-06-25