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X-ray digital imaging detection technology for brazed body of thrust chamber(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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X-ray digital imaging detection technology for brazed body of thrust chamber
REN Wenjian LIU Zhen ZHANG Teng LIU Guozeng WANG Yonghong
(Xi’an Space Engine Company Limited, Xi’an 710100, China)
brazing body X-ray digital imaging detection radiography test sensitivity detection efficiency
Aiming at the requirement of brazing quality inspection of brazing body in thrust chamber of hypergolic rocket engine, the research on X-ray digital imaging automatic inspection system and inspection technology of brazing body was carried out. An automatic X-ray digital imaging detection system was developed. This system was used to carry out zonal penetration test, determine the number of zones and robot path planning, and complete the program teaching. The sensitivity test was carried out and compared with the conventional X-ray film method. Results show that the detection system and the technology can meet the test requirements, can effectively detect the 2 mm×1.5 mm not soldering defects and φ0.5 mm cooling channel congestion. Compared with manual radiography, the image deformation is small and the image width is large, which improves the defect detection rate, detection reliability and consistency, and the efficiency is increased by three times. The products that passed the tests have completed the test run and flight mission assessment


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Last Update: 2020-06-25