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Model and application of steady-state characteristics simulation for cryogenic rocket engine(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Model and application of steady-state characteristics simulation for cryogenic rocket engine
GONG YanboZHENG DayongHU Chengwei
(Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Beijing 100076,China)
cryogenic rocket engine steady-state characteristic simulation performance reliability performance sensitivity
In order to improve the efficiency of engine engineering development, the cryogenic rocket engine was used as the research object, a simulation model library and simulation analysis platform with high simulation accuracy for the steady-state characteristics of the cryogenic rocket engine were established by using Modelica language with good generality, supporting the modular modeling and simulation.In addition, aiming at the requirements of engineering application, the fault simulation of LOX/LH2 engine, the performance evaluation and performance reliability sensitivity analysis of LOX/LCH4 engine were carried out.It provides a basis for the fault location of a certain LOX/LH2 engine, and obtains the performance reliability index of a certain LOX/LCH4 engine, as well as the interference factors that have the greatest impact on its performance, which provides a guarantee for the development of this type of engine.


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Last Update: 2020-10-20