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Integrated measurement and control systemfor X liquid rocket engine trial(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Integrated measurement and control systemfor X liquid rocket engine trial
SUN ChaoLI MengDONG Guochuang
Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute,Xi'an 710100,China
liquid rocket engine trial integrated control system CAN bus CANopen protocol intelligent servo contorl
In order to solve the problems of past liquid rocket engine trial system such as low bandwidth,low reliability and real-time performance,poor system maintainability and expansibility,a integrated measurement and control system was established,which is based on industrial control bus CAN bus and CANopen motion control sub-protocol in application layer the first time,and contraposing the past RS422 serial data bus's "peer-to-peer" structure disadvantages such as low data communication rate,low reliability,poor maintenance.A node scalable "one master many slave" mode data bus topology structure was established.This integrated control system was verified by X type liquid oxygen kerosene rocket engine trial to achieve high reliability,long distance,high real-time performance data communication and high precision servo control,and a complete CANopen motion control sub-protocol driver layer software was designed.Using this liquid rocket engine trial's integrated measurement and control system can achieve multi-mode and intelligent servo control in future engine measurement and control system,which provides a neoteric method for a new generation of liquid rocket engine intelligent contoller and control system research.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01