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Overview of solutions to TBCC engine thrust trap problem(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Overview of solutions to TBCC engine thrust trap problem
ZHENG Riheng1CHEN Caobin2
(1. School of Energy and Power Engineering,Beihang University,Beijing 100083,China 2.Beijing Power Machinery Institute,Beijing 100074,China)
TBCC thrust trap solution variable cycle pre-cooling rocket-boosted hypersonic
The problem of thrust trap during mode transition for turbine based combined cycle(TBCC)needs to be solved. Different solutions to the thrust trap problem of TBCC engine are reviewed and compared in this paper. The basic principles and key technologies of different solutions are compared,and the main factors that should be considered in the selection of solutions are presented. The results show that the variable cycle scheme solves the trap problem by delaying the turbine engine thrust attenuation with geometric adjustment. And the pre-cooling scheme and the rocket-boosted scheme solve the thrust trap problem by greatly increasing the thrust of the engine. The choice of TBCC engine thrust trap solution is related to the mission requirements,engine performance,fuel selection and technology maturity and so on,which need to be determined according to the specific requirements of the aircraft and its own technology accumulation.It is hopeful that the pre-cooling technology may be applied in TBCC engine.


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