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Analysis on control torque reconstruction of launch vehicle after thrust drop(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Analysis on control torque reconstruction of launch vehicle after thrust drop
CHEN Yuqiang CUI Mengyu XIE Changlin YANG Shuming
(College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China)
thrust drop control torque control allocation modified simplex method attitude reconstruction
Aiming at the problem of sudden thrust drop for active service strap-on rocket during flight, a control allocation method based on improved simplex method is proposed.Based on the idea that the control torque of the rocket is equal before and after the failure, the redistribution problem of rocket engine swing angle after thrust drop is transformed into a linear distribution problem under the constraint of objective function, which is effectively solved by the improved simplex method.The results show that the yaw angle can quickly return to the equilibrium state after the shutdown failure, and the roll angle can also quickly return to stability after a small buffeting.This algorithm can effectively improve the weakening of the control ability after the sudden thrust drop of the rocket engine, and maintain the stability of the rocket attitude after the failure.The research content has theoretical significance and engineering application value for the attitude reconstruction of launch vehicle.


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