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Evaluation of thermodynamic performance parameters for typical cryogenic propellant(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Evaluation of thermodynamic performance parameters for typical cryogenic propellant
LIU Bowen12 XU Yuanyuan1 LEI Gang1 LI Yanzhong12
(1.State Key Laboratory of Technologies in Space Cryogenic Propellants, Beijing 100028, China 2.School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710049, China)
cryogenic propellants flow resistance storage characteristics densification
In recent years, cryogenic propellants have been widely used in the field of rocket propulsion, and the research on cryogenic propellants such as liquid oxygen, liquid hydrogen and liquid methane has also been carried out in depth.However, although the research on the thermodynamic properties of cryogenic propellants has been carried out, the characteristics and differences of various propellants have not been studied.In addition, the thermodynamic properties of cryogenic propellants have not been comprehensively analyzed and systematically understood.In this paper, the application and development of cryogenic propellant in the field of rocket propulsion are systematically reviewed based on the statistics of the used rocket propellants since 1960s and the distribution of rocket stage application.Based on the basic thermophysical properties of cryogenic propellants, the dynamic characteristics, transport characteristics, storage characteristics and densification characteristics of different cryogenic propellants were comprehensively evaluated for aerospace propulsion applications.The results show that the liquid hydrogen has the best thrust characteristics, and the theoretical specific impulse of hydrogen-oxygen engine can reach 457 s.Under the same pipeline and working conditions, the liquid hydrogen has the smallest flow resistance, the liquid oxygen has the smallest flow temperature rise, and the overall performance of the liquid methane transmission characteristics is in the middle.Taking the filling pipe with a length of 10 m and an inner diameter of 0.1 m as an example, the liquid hydrogen flow pressure drop is less than 5 kPa, and the liquid oxygen flow temperature rise is less than 0.5 K.In the process of ground parking, the temperature rise of liquid oxygen and liquid methane is small, the tank pressurization is slow, and the thermal stratification of liquid methane is weak.For a cylindrical tank with a height of 5 m and a diameter of 3 m, the temperature rise of liquid hydrogen is 4.83 K and that of liquid oxygen is only 1.93 K when the heat flux is 50 W/m2.The storage period of liquid oxygen is 36.5 h, and that of liquid hydrogen is 5.5 h.The critical heat flow required for thermal stratification of liquid methane is 14 W/m2, and the storage performance of liquid methane is the best.The supercooling densification technology can change the propellant application performance, which will have a significant impact on the power, transport and storage characteristics.When the tank volume remains unchanged, the adoption of deep supercooling technology(triple point temperature)of liquid hydrogen and liquid methane can increase relative load capacity of liquid hydrogen/oxygen and liquid methane/oxygen fuel by 8.66 and 6.89.The non-gasification storage periods of liquid oxygen, liquid methane and liquid hydrogen are extended to 322.82, 354.67 and 285.45, respectively, but the flow resistance increased by 41.36, 15.42 and 18.64 due to the increase of viscosity.In general, after the subcooling and densification of propellant, its dynamic characteristics and storage characteristics are obviously improved, while its transmission characteristics are reduced.


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Last Update: 1900-01-01