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Transient characteristic analysis of low-pressure ignition for normal-temperature propellant generator (PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Transient characteristic analysis of low-pressure ignition for normal-temperature propellant generator
WANG Dan LIU Zhenli ZHOU Kang CEHN Hongyu LIU Zhanyi LI Shuxin
(Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China)
low-pressure ignition of generator transient characteristic analysis correction coefficient of propellant conversion rate system dynamic simulation critical mixing ratio
To solve the problem that the low-pressure ignition chamber pressure builds up slowly in the oxygen-enriched generator with normal-temperature propellant, a modified method based on the correction coefficient of propellant conversion rate is proposed.This method combines the parabola function and the hyperbolic tangent function to form a new correction coefficient function, and it takes the time when the mixing ratio of generator decreases to the critical mixing ratio as the switching point of the correction coefficient function.The results, verified by the low pressure ignition test with different ignition sequences, show that the maximum dynamic error of the generator chamber pressure between the simulated results and the test value is 4.6.Using the mixing ratio of 36 as the critical mixing ratio, the time point of normal combustion of propellant can be accurately captured in a wide range.If the oxidant in the oxygen-enriched generator accumulates too much in advance, a sharp chemical reaction will take place in the generator after fuel enters and it will lead to a peak overshoot in the chamber pressure.For the design of time sequence, the time lag between the fuel and the oxidizer should be shortened as far as possible on the premise of ensuring the oxygen-enriched ignition.


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