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Design of large dimensions injector based on selective laser melting technology(PDF)

《火箭推进》[ISSN:1672-9374/CN:CN 61-1436/V]

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Design of large dimensions injector based on selective laser melting technology
KONG Weipeng XIE Heng WANG Xiaoli
(Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076, China)
liquid rocket engine selective laser melting additive manufacturing injector coaxial shear nozzle cold flow test hot-fire test
In order to study the feasibility and the optimum scheme of selective laser melting technology applied to the injector of large dimensions liquid rocket engine, the design research was carried out according to the idea of injection unit first and then large dimensions injector. Four different schemes of injection unit test pieces were designed based on selective laser melting technology, and the cold flow test was carried out and the results were compared. Through the comparative test of injection unit, it was concluded that the injector formed by selective laser melting technology was not suitable for the design of large dimensions injector directly. According to the comparison results of the injection unit, the design scheme of the large dimensions injector was selected, the large dimensions injector was produced, and the liquid flow test and hot-fire test were carried out. The results show that the design scheme of forming blank and machining key dimensions by selective laser melting technology is the best scheme for large dimensions injector.


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