Jiao Tianshu,xin cong,Qi Yanxing.Study on transient heat conduction model of dinitrogen tetroxlde 1n low temperature[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2008,34(06):55-59.
- Title:
- Study on transient heat conduction model of dinitrogen tetroxlde 1n low temperature
- 分类号:
- V51l
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 四氧化二氮在低温条件下容易凝结为固体而对航天发射产生难以预见的影响, 本文依据非稳态传热理论对低温环境中不同管径圆柱管道内的四氧化二氮导热情况进行了研 究。建立了圆柱管道四氧化二氮低温非稳态导热模型,经验证与实际情况拟合较好。
- Abstract:
- Liquid dinitrogen tetroxide (N204)tends to change to solid phase in low tempera— ture which may affect the launch pmgress.BaSed on the theory 0f tmnsient heat conduction,the tmnsient heat conduction of N204 in pipes of difkrent diameters was researched,and the transient heat conduction model of N204 in low temperature was established.Tests show that the experimental and the model results are in good accordance.
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收稿日期:2008_08—26:修回日期:2008—09—23。 作者简介:焦天恕(1974一),男,工程师,研究领域为液体推进剂应用技术。