DONG Dong,Zhu Cheng-liang,Hu Ying,et al.Design of test data management platform[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2014,40(04):67-72.
- Title:
- Design of test data management platform
- 分类号:
- V433.9-34
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了解决试验数据管理中面临的4方面问题,需建立基于关系数据库的试验数据管理平台。设计该平台需首先对试验数据管理平台设计需求进行全面分析梳理,基于软件4个方面的需求和软件设计思想,设计试验数据管理平台框架,平台框架的3个层面内容包括:数据访问层、业务逻辑层及界面展现层,搭建、配置及实现完成试验数据管理平台软件部分同时根据该平台软件性能需求配置与之匹配的硬件设备。针对试验数据管理平台开发设计中涉及的4项关键技术进行简要介绍,包括数据库架构设计、数据解析存储技术、数据查询、统计技术及数据协同类比分析技术。基于试验数据管理平台进行应用,实现海量试验数据存储,关键参数统计比对、包络线分析,数据分类解析导入与规范输出,试验资源管理。
- Abstract:
- To solve four problems of test data management, a test data management platform based on relational database should be established. The design demands of the test data management platform need to be analyzed comprehensively for the platform design. Based on software design philosophy and software requirements in four areas, three constituent parts of the software framework were designed, including data access layer, business logic layer and interface presentation layer. While the software part of test data management platform was built, configured and achieved, the hardware devices matching with the software part were configured according to the software performance requirements of the platform. The four key technologies involved in the development and design of the data management platform are described briefly. They are database architecture design, data analysis storage, data query/statistics and data collaboration analogy analysis, which will be used on the basis of test data management platform to achieve massive test data storage, key
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收稿日期:2013-11-28;修回日期:2014-02-10 基金项目:中国航天科技集团公司支撑项目(2012JY16) 作者简介:董冬(1981—),男,工程师,研究领域为发动机试验技术