GAO Zhao-hui,LIU Yu,et al.Challenge to propulsion technology for vertical landing reusable launch vehicle[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2015,41(03):1-6.
- Title:
- Challenge to propulsion technology for vertical landing reusable launch vehicle
- 分类号:
- V434-34
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 运载火箭采用垂直着陆方式实现重复使用的需求对火箭各分系统提出了新的挑战,而动力系统面临的挑战最大。垂直着陆重复使用运载火箭要求发动机提供正常的上升段推力外,还需提供运载火箭子级垂直着陆回收过程中的平稳减速力和稳健控制力,因而要求发动机具备可重复使用、大范围推力调节、二次起动、适应回收环境等多种能力,并具备较低成本。本文介绍了美国SpaceX公司开展FALCON 9系列运载火箭一子级垂直着陆回收技术研究和相关飞行试验的最新进展,研究并提出了垂直着陆重复使用运载火箭对动力技术的需求。
- Abstract:
- To meet the reusable requirements of the vertical landing launch vehicle, each subsystem faces new technical challenges, especially for the propulsion system. Besides the normal ascent thrust, the vertical landing reusable launch vehicle should provide the force for steady deceleration and robust control during the recovery process of the landing. Hence, the rocket engine should be capable of reusability, thrust variation in a large range, secondary start-up, adaption to environment and low cost. The latest developments about research and flight experiment of first stage vertical landing recovery technology of the FALCON 9 launch vehicle made by SpaceX Corporation are introduced in this paper. Based on this, the
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收稿日期:2015-02-13;修回日期:2015-03-26 作者简介:高朝辉(1976—),男,博士研究生,研究员,研究领域为运载火箭总体设计与研发