XIAO Hong,FANG Xirong,LI Yue,et al.Combustion treatment method and test of high pressure oxidizer-rich gas of conventional propellant LRE[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2023,49(01):84-92.
- Title:
- Combustion treatment method and test of high pressure oxidizer-rich gas of conventional propellant LRE
- 文章编号:
- 1672-9374(2023)01-0087-06
- 分类号:
- V434.3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对大推力常规推进剂补燃发动机燃气发生器试验的高压富氧燃气的无毒化排放处理需求,设计了国内首个大流量高压富氧燃气实时燃烧处理装置,实现了某补燃发动机富氧发生器试验燃气的燃烧处理。处理装置采取快速降压和混水补燃的技术方案,首先采用超声速拉法尔喷管和多孔阻尼板,使排气的压力大幅下降,并通过整流装置保证排气流场参数均匀,为下游燃烧室提供低压低速的稳定气流 然后采用分级燃烧室,在燃烧室轴线的不同位置多次喷射混水燃料,实现与富氧排气进行补燃,通过控制混合比和燃烧温度,保证NOx转化为N2和CO2。试验结果表明,处理装置燃烧稳定,结构可靠,排气压降比超过95,补燃效率超过0.9,实现了无毒化处理能力超过每秒百千克量级。
- Abstract:
- In order to detoxify the oxidizer-rich exhaust gas produced by the N2O4/UDMH gas generator of high-thrust staged combustion cycle rocket engine, a real-time combustion treatment device for high-pressure semi-system test of a liquid engine was developed.Technologies of rapid depressurization and secondary combustion with water-mixed fuel were adopted.The device consists of stabilization chamber and secondary combustion chamber.A significant pressure drop was obtained when the exhaust gas flows through supersonic nozzle and multi-orifice plate in stabilization chamber.The exhaust flow becomes uniform before it flows into the secondary combustion chamber downstream.The water-mixed fuel is sprayed at different positions in the secondary combustion chamber.By controlling mixing ratio and combustion temperature, NOx in the exhaust gas is converted into N2 and CO2.Test results present that the secondary combustion is stable and the structure is reliable.The pressure drop ratio is higher than 95 and the secondary combustion efficiency is over 0.9.The non-toxic treatment is realized, and the treatment flow rate of exhaust gas exceeds 100 kg/s.
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收稿日期:2022-03-15 修回日期:2022-04-19