ZHAO Yang,KOU Xin,ZHANG Cheng,et al.Small thrust measurement method for integrated attitude control rocket engine[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2024,50(06):69-77.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.06.005]
- Title:
- Small thrust measurement method for integrated attitude control rocket engine
- 文章编号:
- 1672-9374(2024)06-0069-09
- Keywords:
- attitude control engine; small thrust measurement; glass micro-melting; structural integration; integrated
- 分类号:
- V434+.3
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在液体姿控火箭发动机的小推力测量过程中,由于高频交变载荷的影响,推进剂供应管路的振动及其约束会对推力测量的准确性产生较大影响,而传统的黏结式应变片灵敏度低,在测量过程中会产生蠕变,导致测量结果不准确。针对这一问题,提出了一种新型的推力测试方法,该方法采用轮辐式一体化火箭推力测量结构,将管路与敏感梁集成在推力测量结构上,极大地减少了管路振动引起的测量误差。通过玻璃微熔技术在不锈钢基底上制备应变单元,实现推力的高精度测量。传感器测试结果表明该装置非线性性能为±0.45%FS,重复性性能为±0.16%FS,迟滞性能为±0.40%FS,基本测量误差达到±0.62%FS,满足小推力发动机的实际测试需求,为有约束条件下的小推力测量以及宽温区推力测量等提供了一种新的方法和途径。
- Abstract:
- In the process of measuring the low thrust of liquid attitude control rocket engines, due to the influence of high-frequency alternating loads, the vibration of the propellant supply pipeline and its constraints will have a great impact on the accuracy of thrust measurement. The traditional adhesive strain gauge has low sensitivity and will produce creep during the measurement process, resulting in inaccurate measurement results. To address this problem, proposes a new thrust test method. This method adopts a spoke-type integrated rocket thrust measurement structure, integrates the pipeline and the sensitive beam on the thrust measurement structure, and greatly reduces the measurement error caused by pipeline vibration. The strain unit is prepared on a stainless steel substrate by glass micro-melting technology to achieve high-precision in-situ measurement of thrust. The sensor test results show that the nonlinear performance of the device is ±0.45%FS, the repeatability performance is ±0.16%FS, the hysteresis performance is ±0.40%FS, and the basic measurement error reaches ±0.62%FS, which meets the actual test requirements of low thrust engines and provides a new method and approach for low thrust measurement under constraints and wide temperature range thrust measurement.
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收稿日期:2024- 07- 22修回日期:2024- 11- 07
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2023YFB3209103); 陕西省自然科学基金(2022JQ-554); “两链”融合重点专项(2023-LL-QY-35)
作者简介:赵 阳(1999—),男,硕士研究生,研究领域为MEMS集成式力学传感器。