Duan Yi,Liu Yu,Qin Lizi,et al.Characteristics tests of pulse liquid rocket engine with high chamber pressure[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2009,35(02):12-17.
- Title:
- Characteristics tests of pulse liquid rocket engine with high chamber pressure
- Keywords:
- pulse combustion; high chamber pressure; differential pistons; movable injector; liquid rocket engine; characteristics tests
- 分类号:
- V434
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 为了研究高室压脉冲液体火箭发动机工作原理,增压规律以及脉冲特性,通过 一系列冷热流试验对试验发动机进行了研究。冷流试验中使用水和氮气作为工质,试验发动 机实现自主脉冲工作。验证了差动式可移动活塞应用在推力室中具有增压效果。热流试验中 使用气氧,酒精为推进剂,使用传统挤压式推进剂供给系统。在可移动喷注器行程0.8mm条件 下,获得9次连续脉冲,燃烧室峰值压强5.51 IMPa,高于推进剂供给压强(氧气路 3.761MPa,酒精路4.424MPa),表明在相同的推进剂供给压强下,高室压脉冲液体火箭发动机 能提
- Abstract:
- Numerous tests using cold flow and hot gas were employed in order to investigate the operating theory,pressurizing principles and pulse characteristics of a Pulse Liquid Rocket Engine (PLRE)with high chamber pressure.A test PLRE with a pressure-fed propellant system was designed and fabricated based on calculations and theoretical analysis.In cold flow tests,water and ni— trogen were employed as working substances.The automatic pulse cycles of the test PLRE show that the differential piston increases chamber pressure when it is applied to the thrust chamber.In hot gas tests,ethanol and oxygen were used as propellants.A sequence of nine automatic pulse circles was obtained with a 0.8 nUll displacement range of the movable injector.The peak chamber pressure Was 5.5 1 1 MPa,which Was higher than propellants feeding pressures(3.76 1 MPa for ethanol and 4.424MPa for oxygen).The test results show that the PLRE can obviously increase the chamberpressure while the propeUants feeding pressures stays the same as the conventional pressure—fed liq— uid rocket engine.
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收稿日期:2008—12—23;修回日期:2009-01—16。基金项目:国家自然科学基金(50706003) 作者简介:段毅(1982一),男,博士,研究领域为航空宇航推进理论与工程。