HE Zhi-yong,ZHAO Rui-guo,YUAN Jun-she.Design of database management system for transducer[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2010,36(06):62-67.
- Title:
- Design of database management system for transducer
- 文章编号:
- 1672-9374(2010)06-0062-06
- Keywords:
- VC++; ACCESS; transducer management; database
- 分类号:
- TP391
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 以VC++为界面开发工具,利用ACCESS作为后台数据库,开发了传感器数据库管理系统。在数据库设计过程中,进行了数据库系统功能分析、数据库表设计、ADO类封装以及界面框架设计,其功能在实际应用中使用情况良好,为数量庞大的传感器的日常管理和检定提供了方便的途径。
- Abstract:
- Taking the software VC++ as an interface developing tool and ACCESS as a background database, the database management system for transducers is developed. In the process of development, analysis of the database function, design of the database table, ADO class encapsulation and design of the interface frame are performed. It is proved that the system works well in practical application, and can provide the daily management and calibration for transducers.
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作者简介: 何志勇(1978—),男,硕士,研究领域为液体火箭发动机振动信号处理与分析