CHANG Ying,DU Yongqing,CHEN Hui,et al.Application of gold-plated grating in high temperature dynamic strain measurement for aerospace engines[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2024,50(06):127-134.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.06.011]
- Title:
- Application of gold-plated grating in high temperature dynamic strain measurement for aerospace engines
- 文章编号:
- 1672-9374(2024)06-0127-08
- Keywords:
- gold-plated fiber grating; aerospace engines; hot test; high-temperature dynamic strain; temperature compensation
- 分类号:
- V416.6
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 在航天发动机的地面热试车或高空模拟试验中,通过准确测量高温管路的动应变参数,可以有效掌握结构疲劳和裂纹情况,从而提高发动机载荷能力分析和剩余寿命预测能力,这对于掌握发动机的工作状态具有重要的工程意义。西安航天动力研究所针对该动应变测量需求,提出采用镀金涂层的飞秒激光刻写光纤光栅(FBG)进行高温动应变的测量。通过高温温度特性试验,开展了温度补偿技术研究,明确了高温应变温度补偿方案; 在高温等强度梁上对高温应变测量准确度和温度补偿方案的可行性进行了验证。结果表明,经过高温温度补偿以后应变测量误差在±5×10-5范围内,可以满足航天液体发动机高温动应变测量准确度的要求。该光纤高温应变技术目前在本研究所设计的多个型号发动机热试车中高温动应变的测量中获得了良好应用。该技术具有测量成本低、测量准确性高等特点,可以在300~800 ℃范围内实现管路壁面动应变的准确测量。
- Abstract:
- In the ground hot test or high-altitude simulation test of aerospace engines, it is necessary to accurately measure the dynamic strain parameters of high-temperature pipelines to determine the structural dynamic strength and mechanical properties of key high-temperature pipelines, which is of great significance for studying the performance and safety characteristics of engines. According to the measurement requirements of high-temperature dynamic strain, Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute proposes to use femtosecond laser engraved fiber Bragg gratings coated with gold for high-temperature dynamic strain measurement. Through high-temperature characteristic tests, temperature compensation technology research was carried out, and a high-temperature strain temperature compensation scheme was clarified. The accuracy of high-temperature strain measurement and the feasibility of temperature compensation scheme were verified on high-temperature equal strength beam. The results show that the strain measurement error is within the range of ±5×10-5 after high-temperature temperature compensation, which can meet the accuracy requirements of high-temperature dynamic strain measurement for aerospace liquid engines. The high-temperature strain technology with fiber has been well applied in the measurement of high-temperature dynamic strain during hot testing of multiple engine models designed by our research institute. It has the characteristics of low measurement cost and high measurement accuracy, and can accurately measure the high-temperature dynamic strain of pipeline working wall temperature within the range of 300-800 ℃.
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收稿日期:2024- 06- 02修回日期:2024- 10- 29
作者简介:常 莹(1983—),女,博士,研究员,研究领域为先进测试技术,光纤传感技术。