HUANG Xinlei,LEI Zheng,ZHAO Benyong,et al.X-ray flexible detection technology for small-diameter pipe welds and its application[J].Journal of Rocket Propulsion,2024,50(06):135-142.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-9374.2024.06.012]
- Title:
- X-ray flexible detection technology for small-diameter pipe welds and its application
- 文章编号:
- 1672-9374(2024)06-0135-08
- Keywords:
- small-diameter pipe; weld; X-ray; automatic detection; digital imaging; rocket engine
- 分类号:
- TG115.28
- 文献标志码:
- A
- 摘要:
- 针对液体火箭发动机小直径导管空间异形结构特点,自主研制了导管焊缝柔性检测系统,攻克了复杂结构导管的视觉识别难题,实现了不少于500种发动机导管的自动化检测应用,解决了导管产品长期以来存在的透照布置困难的问题。检测系统可通过视觉信号通信对各类导管产品进行自动识别、标定及坐标转换,并可根据不同导管的特征及规格自适应切换抓取夹具和检测参数,结合机器人运动路径规划与透照姿态编程控制,使检测一致性达到100%。利用检测系统对导管焊缝开展X射线数字成像检测工艺研究,获得了良好的图像分辨率与检测灵敏度,图像质量优于标准要求。与X射线胶片照相方法相比,检测系统的应用使单根导管检测时间缩短至90 s,人员劳动强度大幅降低,检测效率提升5倍以上。
- Abstract:
- Aiming at the characteristics of spatial irregular structures for small-diameter pipe in liquid rocket engines, a flexible X-ray detection system for pipe weld was developed independently, which overcame the problem of visual recognition of complex structures, achieved automatic detection of over 500 types of engine pipes and solved the long-standing problem of difficult radiographic arrangement of pipes. The detection system can recognize, calibrate, and coordinate various pipe products automatically, and switch the gripping fixture and detection parameters adaptively according to the characteristics and specifications of different pipes. By combining robot path planning with radiographic pose programming control, the detection consistency reaches 100%. Some work was carried out to study the digital radiographic testing process by using this detection system. Good image resolution and detection sensitivity were obtained. The image quality is better than the standard requirements. Compared to the X-ray film photography, the detection time of a single pipe is shortened to 90 s, personnel labor intensity is reduced significantly, and the efficiency is increased by more than 5 times.
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收稿日期:2023- 12- 06修回日期:2024- 03- 12
基金项目:航天科技集团第六研究院共性基础研究项目(2022Tm GJ5001-M)