
(1. 上海空间推进研究所,上海,201112 ;2. 上海空间发动机工程技术研究中心,上海201112)


Development and application of Hall electric propulsion technology
KANG Xiaolu1, 2, HANG Guanrong1, 2,ZHU Zhichun1, 2

(1. Shanghai Institute of Space Propulsion, Shanghai 201112, China;2. Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Space Engine, Shanghai 201112, China)

Hall electric propulsion technology; Hall thruster; multimode adjustment; high power propulsion


霍尔电推进具有推力密度大、推力功率比大、比冲高及系统可靠等优点,在20世纪60~70年代突破关键技术、完成空间试验后,在俄、美、欧等航天器上获得大量应用,执行位置保持、轨道转移、轨道调整和深空探测主推进等任务。目前,100 W级到5 kW级功率的霍尔推力器已经实现在轨应用, 100 kW功率的霍尔推力器已在研制中。针对未来载人深空探测、GEO卫星、低轨和超低轨卫星及轨道机动飞行器等任务需求,霍尔电推进朝着更大功率包络,更强多模式调节能力,更高性能,更长寿命及推进剂多样化等方向发展。在分析霍尔电推进技术特点和适用任务后,对国内外霍尔电推进技术的发展现状、任务应用等进行了综述,最后对霍尔电推进的发展趋势进行了展望。

Hall electric propulsion has the merits of high thrust density, high thrust-to-power ratio, high specific impulse and high reliability. It brought through its key technology and completed its space experiments during 1960s and 1970s. Now Hall electric propulsion has got a lot of applications, such as station keeping, orbit transfer, orbit adjustment and main propulsion of deep space, in spacecrafts of Russia, USA and some other countries. Currently, on-orbit application of 100 W~5 kW Hall thrusters has been realized, and 100 kW Hall thruster is under development. According to the mission requirements of future manned deep-space exploration, GEO satellites, LEO satellites and super low orbit satellites and orbital maneuver vehicles, Hall electric propulsion is developed towards the directions of higher-power envelope, stronger multimode adjustment capability, higher performance,