
(北京航天试验技术研究所,北京 100074)

火箭发动机试验; 液氢流量测量; 不确定度评定

Uncertainty evaluation of liquid hydrogen flow measurement in rocket engine test
ZHUANG Jian, LI Zhigang, LI Weile

(Beijing Institute of Aerospace Testing Technology, Beijing 100074, China)

rocket engine test; liquid hydrogen flow measurement; uncertainty evaluation



The composition and principle of the liquid hydrogen flow measurement system used in the test of a liquid rocket engine are introduced in this paper. According to the mathematical model of liquid hydrogen mass flow measurement, the influence of main pressure on storage tank volume is analyzed, which is the main factor to affect the uncertainty of the liquid hydrogen flow measurement. The various factors of affecting the uncertainty is analyzed according to the uncertainty evaluation standards and methods. It is concluded that the expanded uncertainty of liquid hydrogen mass flow is