
(西安航天动力研究所,陕西 西安710100)

气体管路; 充填特性; 管路调试; 供应压力

Effect of supply pressure on filling characteristics of gas pipeline
CHEN Bo, LU Yan, JIA Weimin, LUO Jun

(Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Xi'an 710100, China)

gas pipeline; filling characteristics; pipeline debugging; supply pressure


通过试验研究和理论分析,研究了不同供应压力对气体在管路中充填特性的影响。试验结果发现,在文氏管喉部气体流速等于音速的前提下,且气体介质和文氏管喉部截面积不变时,在压力变化的初始阶段,供应压力的变化对产品喷前建压和泄压时间影响不大; 通过理论分析得出供应压力与气体管路充填特性的关系,找到不同压力下快速确定气体管路充填特性的方法。

In this paper, the effect of different supply pressures on the filling characteristics of gas in pipeline is studied by experimental research and theoretical analysis.The tested results show that when the gas velocity at the throat of venturi-tube is equal to the sound velocity, and the gas medium and the throat area of venture-tube is unchanged, the change of supply pressure has little effect on the pressure buildup time and pressure release time before injecting during the initial stage of pressure change.Throngh theoretical analysis, the relationship between the supply pressure and the filling characteristics of the gas pipeline was obtained, and the method of rapidly determining the filling characteristics of the gas pipeline at different pressures was found.