
(1.北京航天动力研究所,北京 100076; 2.北京航空航天大学,北京 100191)

重复使用液体火箭发动机; 重复使用全过程; 结构可靠性分配

Allocation of structural reliability index for reusable liquid rocket engine
YANG Jinhui1, QI Yaqun2, JIN Ping2, CAI Guobiao2

(1.Beijing Aerospace Propulsion Institute, Beijing 100076,China; 2. Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)

reusable liquid rocket engine; whole service life; allocation of structural reliability index



Aiming at the repeated characteristics and minimizing the reliability deviation of each subsystem during the whole service life, an allocation method of structural reliability index is proposed for the reusable liquid rocket engine. Based on the equal reliability allocation, this method takes the reliability deviation of whole service life as the objective function and uses the genetic algorithm to optimize the allocation results. It can avoid the “weak point” of each subsystem in operation while satisfying the reliability at the end of engine life. The specific allocation method is introduced with an example of reusable hydrogen-oxygen rocket engine. Compared with the equal allocation method, the reliability deviation of each subsystem in the whole engine service life is decreased by 35%, which validating the feasibility and effectiveness of proposed method.